i really doubt it..
i slept 5am in the morning, completing some stuffs as i went insomnia foe the night..
then the stupid phone rang at 8smth...
my parents said that they wanna visit me bout 1pm later..
Have not been seeing them for ages....
started up with cleaning the whole house and the room to welcome them..
throw the rubbish, sweep the floor, etc, etc..
As they said that we will go out for a lunch,
i starve myself..
Holy god damn soab....
looking at the stuffs in the living room...
just like i'm in the refuse chamber...
F**k off...
I went more and more mentally imba when i'm the one contributing to clean the f**kin apartment..I'm the one who is keeping it clean and someone who acts that "he" is the one who cleans the hse and keep complaining.. Holy son of a B**ch.. Keeping ur room clean and act as u cleaned the hse... ..!..
since i still have some time before they reach, went for a little nap as i'm feeling really unwell... Feel like puking ..
Then, about 2pm, my parents called me and said they aren't coming...
Damn hungry..
As usual, drank half bottle of coke to reduce the imba-ness in me..
Then went for cake...
when i tot that everything will end soon,
i killed my friend's computer...
for the second time..
YAY!! I'm a computer serial killer...
The imba totally took over me jz now when i was celebrating someone's birthday..
FUH...The flame was sky high, when a short birded was talkin bout the "hygieness" of the fkin apartment...And of coz bout commenting on the computer killing act of mine...
Ok..Cut that part of...