Saturday, October 31, 2009

Susan Boyle

The best quality that i can get..
Too bad it can't be embedded by me...

Will blog something bout susan next time...

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

I wonder why, I’m living in a 4th dimension.

For some people, the day begins with a cup of coffee. Most needed to wake up, some can’t read their morning paper without it. A few liked to drink it on their way to work, and then there are those, who just want something to hold in their hands while they discussing their neighbors.

For some people, the day begins with a cup of coffee. Some drink it while recalling a lover, they once cared for. Some pour it, thinking of the boss they must lie to. Others sip it, contemplating the man that they might be in love with. But for one special individual, on this particular morning, that cup of coffee has to wait. Because he discovers a friend in trouble, he goes to help. Not only because it’s the right thing to do, but because it’s the only way he can think of, to ask for forgiveness. And once it is given, the day begins.

为什么会有那么自以为是的人,说两句就以为人家喜欢他。。Walao.我是直的咯。。再来一遍我就好好的赏你几把掌。。。Did you fall down and smack your little head on the pavement??


我将来要做什么??读完了当随随便便进如一间公司当工程师??读MBA然后被打入冷嘲热讽的M Faculty 去教书??在一间公司里做Admin??
我到底要做什么??谁能指引我啊??还是做个Onara onara 的人??哎。。。

Wish upon a star, a wonderful melody that walt Disney had created in many childhoods mind, of course, that includes me. I don’t know how about what you guys think, but recently I’ve just heard it, in an hd version of movie opening. It brings me back to where I once was a kid. Full of imaginations. How I wish I could go back to square one, doing what I like to do, learning what I wish to learn when I was a small kid, do what I should do in a specific manner, and of course, to quote, unlearn, learn and relearn, taking the path that I really should take.

最近看了个预告片,突然发觉韩国戏剧的用心。韩国戏呢, 对于每个角色都很认真,尤其是古装片,上至皇帝,下至奴隶,每个角色都有研究过。例如,某些片(不是韩国片哦), 公主,翁主,傻傻分不清楚,胡乱的演,我们也傻傻的看,套句话说,观众的眼睛是明亮的,虽然这样,但,没有特别研究的,说真的都分不清,也不可以这样欺骗观众嘛! 公主,是正室,皇后生的,反之,翁住则是嫔妃所出。甚至于,尚宫,司膳,司制等的角色,都是胡乱来的。韩国朝鲜历史从唐延伸,不知是延伸到韩国后由公公接替,还是为了增添趣味,司膳,司制等的角色,全变成女的。


Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Finally i tried my 1st attempt to purchase things online!!!
addicted baru tau...

Saturday, October 3, 2009


Thursday, October 1, 2009

I can't believe i'm watching lao lang hee...
